Monday, July 13, 2009

Red and Shiny

I love all things red, so when I got a red kitchenaid, it made my life a little more complete. For several reasons. 1. IT'S A KITCHENAID! 2. It's RED! I love adding to my all things red collection. 3. I feel more like a black haired house wife than I did before. 4. I could finally start baking the complicated stuff with out making my arm feel like it was going to fall off from hand stirring.

Shortly after I was gifted with this genius gift, we were invited over to a friends house for dinner (hi Beth! Thanks for the dinner!). Yes! Of course I baked something to take along! Not only did I bake any old cake, but also to me what seemed the most complicated one I could find. I had no excuse, I had a kitcheaid to help me out here. I made a bittersweet chocolate and pear cake courtesy of the Smitten Kitchen and my mouth watered the whole entire time I was making it. I'm pretty sure it was the browned butter that did it for me.

I made several tiny mistakes, and I'm sure if I had followed the instructions carefully, it would have turned out better. My advice that I never take, read the recipe beforehand.

The cake was rich but not too sweet. You could definitely taste the browned butter, which I am more than in love with. I have mixed feelings about the pears, mine were a little too crunchy. I'm wondering if it would work out with another type of fruit. Suggestions?

Make it. Eat it. Enjoy it. Let me know how you like it.

4 Grass Lovers:

ixoj said...

Ooo, looks good! I'll have to try it.

jujushelton said...

congratulations on the new member of your kitchen family. I love my kitchenaid as well, but sometimes I wish I had the bigger bowl, or a bosch, so I could do 4 loaves of bread instead of 3. Oh well. You're right, it is much better than hand mixing =)

Livi said...

I have a red kitcheaide too!

The Dennett's said...

I like having a hand mixer because it enables me to mix more than one thing while baking, but I still look forward to the day when I get my Kitchenaid! If only they weren't 300 stinking dollars...