Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Day

The other day while I was driving home from work, I heard a commercial by Sono Bello that made me grip the steering wheel a little harder and my eyes began to burn with tears. Basically the commercial was of this girl who said how much she hated her body and she couldn't be in a swimsuit or shorts in front of others because she was embarrassed of herself. She then said that she went to Sono Bello and they were able to fix her, she was now beautiful. She said that she now doesn't feel ashamed and because of her fixed body, all her friends went to Sono Bello and asked for the Sarah package.

I am that girl who has insane body image issues who is fighting a long hard battle. It makes me so angry to know that society/media/WHATEVER has told me and you that we need to be fixed. We have been told that we can't be happy, we can't be good people and we should be ashamed of ourselves because of our images. The sad thing is that from the age of 14, I have believed them, every single word.

One day I hope to have the life that Emma Thompson has described. Go here for more info on the Endangered Species Summit.

12 Grass Lovers:

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

I am with you 100%!

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

And I absolutely loved that video!

Brock said...

Yeah, seriously @#$% Sono Bello.

Brock said...

That type of commercial would never come on KEXP. Just sayin.

jjudkins said...

Very powerful. I am that woman too.

ixoj said...

Thanks for posting that, Layla.

Emily Craner said...

I have heard that commercial before too. I think the bad message is even in the company name. Sono Bello means "I am beautiful" in Italian. Just in their name, they are implying that you can't be beautiful without their services. I don't think anyone has a "perfect" body naturally. It's sad that the world has this image of a perfect woman and make everyone feel like they are inadequate.

Wren/Karen said...

Thanks for not quitting your blog :)
I loved this video.
You are beautiful.

Bronwyn James said...

I love her. That was great.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

so compelling and so true! I love this. At blogher, this panel emphasized that there were no flaws -- and I just liked that concept.

Holly said...

Love this. Thank you thank you thank you. Holls

LunaMoonbeam said...

Love that. Love it. (But at the same time, I am thinking, "Easy for her to say...she isn't carting around 20 years of acne scars, or two babies worth of extra weight around her middle!" Isn't that horrible? Guess I have a ways to go.) (Yes, I live near Bellevue. :-) Thanks for stopping by LoLo Life!!