I promised that I would let you guys in on my news almost a week ago and I have completely failed on that promise. There is a reason why though, I have been exhausted. By 8 PM every night I am dead to the world. I seriously am in bed now by 9 PM. I have become an old person, no longer a night owl. Forgive me?
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A couple of weeks ago I spent quite a bit of time pondering about my relationship with my Father in Heaven. I came to the conclusion that I was a serious slacker. I had no motivation to read my scriptures, sometimes I would forget to pray and I wasn't really feeling spiritual any more. I had an aching desire to change but had no idea how I was going to get the motivation to accomplish the things I wanted to. I remember praying to my Heavenly Father and asking him for his help to give me the drive and desire. I knew that I lacked in my part of the relationship and I was ready to step up to the plate. I knew without a shadow of doubt that if I continued to have faith that the simple challenges that I faced would not be a challenge anymore.
Two Sunday's ago I was sitting in Relief Society and out of no where a thought entered into my head that I would be released from my current calling (church assignment as the Relief Society Secretary) and that my prayer for motivation would be answered with my new calling. I felt at peace with it and felt a sense of excitement.
After the Relief Society meeting had ended, the Second Counselor in the Stake Presidency asked to speak to me. He asked me about my current situation, my work life, and out of all my callings that I have had in the past which one did I like the best. I felt like I was being interviewed for a job. After meeting with him, I found the Cute boy and briefed him on the meeting I just had. I knew that I would be getting a stake calling, but there was no indication what that call would be. While talking to the Cute Boy, a thought crossed both our minds and we announced to each other that I would be called to be a Seminary teacher. For those who don't know, Seminary is an early morning religion class (6:30 AM) that is taught to high school students during the school week.
For the remainder of the week I tried to push the thought of me being a Seminary teacher out of my mind. I'm not a morning person so teaching a class at 6:30 AM every morning was hard for me to comprehend. So when the call was extended to me, I was not surprised at all that it was to be a Seminary teacher. At first I felt scared and apprehensive and to deal with it I cried and ate a cheeseburger. Not even joking. Out of any calling that I could imagine having, being a Seminary teacher was the one calling that I was scared of the most.
It's been almost two weeks since the call has been extended to me and today I have a completely different feeling about teaching Seminary than I thought I would. I am grateful for this new calling. It is an answer to my prayers. I am grateful for the love that my Father in Heaven has shown me. He is mindful of me and has provided a way for me to grow and learn and have a motivation to overcome the challenges that I face. I am excited for the opportunity to work with the youth and to develop relationships with them. I know that twenty years or so from now I will be able to look back at this stage of my life and think fondly of the experiences that I will have.
PS: It's a miracle, I've become a morning person. I have no problem waking up and being there on time. Hooray!
10 Grass Lovers:
I too have started finding enjoyment in becoming/forced into morning life. Seriously, it's almost seven, and I'm about to brush my teeth and go to sleep. But, it's kind of nice to naturally wake up at five-thirty am, completely awake.
I'm excited to hear your seminary stories
how exciting! I always loved my seminary teachers and still remember them to this day. I am still grateful for their testimonies and the impact they had on mine! I know this calling is the right one for you!
on a different not, I was strangely just called to be RS secretary! kinda neat.
So awesome. I'm sure you'll be a great teacher to those youth and be blessed for your sacrifice in so many ways!
Layla, I am excited for you and know you will do great!!
Yeah! I'm glad you are enjoying it! What an amazing answer to prayers!
It is really amazing to me how the Lord works. I know you will be a fabulous seminary teacher, not only because you are a great person, but because you have the support of your cute boy, your ward, and of course, the Lord.
What a blessing Layla! The youth of the church need strong leaders to look up to. You will be a great seminary teacher. Can't wait to hear about your experiences!
That's great! I'm sure you'll be fabulous.
So exciting!!! Can't wait to hear about this new journey!
Wow,Layla! This is a big deal. I hope to hear some of your early morning experiences as you get into your calling. I'm excited for you!
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