For Christmas I got a rad sewing machine along with a fun sewing book
from the cute boy. It was the motivation I needed to learn how to sew, so I signed up for a sewing class at one of my favorite fabric shops here in Seattle. It was a month course and we made the Amy Butler Swing Bag. I haven't had a chance to make the sash yet, but when I do I'll post more pictures.
The class also taught me other sewing skills like hemming and making button holes. The fabric I picked out for the bag were from Amy Butler's August Fields and Love collection.
I missed my chance to sign up for the advanced sewing class, but I'm going to be signing up for the quilting class. Look at me being all domestic and stuff.
5 Grass Lovers:
Way to go Layla! Look at you! Nice choice on the machine and what a great first project. It gets easier with each project, trust me!
Very nice!!
LAYLA~! THAT IS ADORABLE. Can I pay you to make me one? I'm not kidding.
Love the bag! I bought an Amy Butler pattern for a bag that I have yet to make. I've also been working on my first quilt for about 4 years. I cut out a pattern for PJ pants and have yet to complete we see a pattern here? Maybe someday I'll finish something I start :)
That is really a great looking bag for your first project. You also selected some beautiful prints. It looks as though you have been sewing for quite a while. If others did as well as you on their first sewing project, they would be encouraged to continue to learn how to sew. Keep up the good work.
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