Thursday, October 30, 2008

K is for Kalaloch Beach

Yes, I know that I was in Seattle like two months ago BUT one of my rules for the A-Z Adventure is to blog about them. And boy do I have a lot to blog about! We are doing the O activity this coming weekend. Stay tuned, it will be good.
Kalaloch Beach is one stunning beach. It's right near the Hoh rain forest on Washington's Highway 101. I'm telling you, the Olympic Peninsula is AMAZING. I could stay up there all summer long. It has some of the most stunning views I have ever seen.When you first arrive to Kalaloch Beach, you are greeted with the most amazing view that you can behold. It's breath taking! To get to the actually beach itself, you have to hike (can you see a pattern here? You have to hike to ALL of the beaches up there at the O.P.) down a hill that is lined with some wood stairs. Very convenient for those who are not fans of hiking.The beach has red colored sand and is lined with a forest. At the edge of the forest there is a fresh water pool that empties into the ocean.My favorite part of it all was the big rocks that the waves crashed up on. For some reason we thought it would be fun to climb up on them to take pictures. Let's just say that we got soaked. It was AWESOME!

2 Grass Lovers:

Myrna said...

You guys live in San Francisco now? How did I miss that? I read this title "trip to Seattle" and I'm like...but don't they live there?

Sonja said...

This is another place we've camped at and love! Jeremy's family used to camp there every year. I'm glad you liked it too! Again, great pictures.