Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Love This Song!

Has any one else heard this song? I love it! I've played it over and over all day. Brock keeps asking me what the deal is with the 80's music. I don't get it.

3 Grass Lovers:

Diana said...

Richard says: It seems like that is what a lot of music is like today, Choose one line and sing it over and over, and then make a million dollars over it. And now that he just heard it, he is complaining that he is going to have "KEEP BLEEDING, Keep, Keep, Bleeding" in his head all day
Diana Says: I heard this song in the car the first time, and couldn't stand it. Just cause of the repeat.
Sorry to be pessimists. Lol.

Diana said...

But then again...I did watch the entire music video again, and i think i've just gotten used to it. It's not too bad. Just interesting.

Layla said...

I really like the beat. Brock likes the lyrics but hates the beat. We balance each other out like that...